Getting A Head start on Your Degree
For most individuals, school isn’t exactly the most enjoyable thing on the planet. The bottom line is, school is work, and it takes up a lot of time. The worst part is, you don’t get paid for it either. In fact, once you’re out of high school, you’ll be the one paying for it.
But for most people, it’s an absolute necessity. Getting a degree is probably one of the only ways you can get into the career path that you want, and get a job that makes you happy. Even so, it would be really nice to get it out of the way as soon as you can, right? Here are a few different ways you can get a head start on your degree.
Concurrent Enrollment
Depending on where you live, a local college or university may offer concurrent enrollment options to high school students, and may also accent AP, or advanced placement credits. Concurrent enrollment classes are college curriculum classes, but taught in the high school environment.
Most of the time, these are just entry level college classes, but a lot of that material overlaps with upperclassmen and even underclassmen curriculum from high school. Another big plus, is that most of the time, it’s extremely cheap compared to college rates.
Online Schooling
Online universities are another big way that you can get a jump on your degree. This allows you to take classes in your free time, and you can as little or as many as you’d like. This is also a good way to accelerate the time it takes to get your degree once you’ve started, if you’re willing to do the extra work it takes. Long story short, getting a degree is hard, but if you put the work down, it’s not impossible to get most of it out of the way before you’ve even graduated from high school, you just need a little bit of work and self motivation.